

政策没有. D. 8.00

签发日期 7/2/2014

根据伊利诺伊州受害者经济安全和安全法(VESSA)和联邦法律, the university will provide twelve (12) weeks of unpaid leave during a 12-month period to eligible employees who: are victims of domestic or sexual violence; or have a family or household member who is a victim of domestic or sexual violence. 性别暴力的受害者也可享受这种假期. “性别暴力”系指(i)一种或多种暴力或侵略行为,符合伊利诺伊州法律规定的任何刑事犯罪的要素, 至少在某种程度上, 基于一个人实际感知到的性或性别, 不管这一行为是否导致了刑事指控, prosecution or conviction; (ii) a physical intrusion or invasion of a sexual nature under coercive conditions satisfying the elements of any criminal offense under Illinois law that are committed, 至少在某种程度上, 基于一个人实际感知到的性或性别, 不管这次入侵是否导致了刑事指控, prosecution or conviction; or (iii) a threat of an act described above causing a realistic apprehension that the originator of the threat will commit the act.

Employees may take leave to: (1) seek medical attention; (2) obtain services from a victim services organization; (3) obtain psychological or other counseling; (4) participate in safety planning, including temporarily or permanently relocating or taking other measures to increase safety; or (5) to seek legal assistance. 这种休假可以间歇性地或减少工作时间. 员工必须至少提前48小时通知他们需要休假, 除非该通知并不切实可行. 休假回来后, 员工将被恢复到原来的职位或同等的职位. 在员工休假回来之前, 大学可能要求雇员提供证明,表明雇员或其家庭成员或家庭成员是家庭暴力的受害者.


大学将为员工和任何适用的家属保持相同水平的福利保险,并遵守员工未休假时提供的保险条件. 如果员工因休假以外的原因未能返回,学校可以收回为维持保险而支付的保险费, recurrence or onset of domestic or sexual or gender violence that entitles the employee to leave; or other circumstances beyond the control of the employee.


大学不会对雇员采取任何不利的雇佣行动,因为雇员(1)是, or is perceived to be a victim of domestic or sexual or gender violence; (2) participated in proceedings pertaining to domestic or sexual or gender violence; (3) requested an adjustment to a job structure, 工作场所的设施, 或工作要求, 包括转帐, 重新分配, 修改时间表, 更改电话号码, or implementation of a safety procedure; or (4) because the workplace is threatened or disrupted in some way by the alleged domestic or sexual abuser or perpetrator of gender violence. 对于因VESSA所涵盖的情况而影响其他合格申请人或员工的已知限制,大学也将做出合理的调整, 除非这样的住宿会给大学带来不必要的困难.