

政策没有. E. 2.00

签发日期 7/2/2014

大学致力于确保为所有学生和员工提供一个公平的环境, 人道的, and respectful--an environment which supports and rewards employee performance on the basis of relevant considerations such as ability and effort. 不恰当地强调性别或保护阶级特征的行为, [1] 无论是感知到的还是实际的,与学生或员工的表现有关,破坏了这种环境.

因此, 该大学将为其学生和员工以及独立承包商提供服务, 顾问和实习生/志愿者提供一个没有不受欢迎的性侵犯的教育和就业环境, requests for sexual favors and other verbal or physical conduct or communications constituting sexual harassment or harassment based on protected class characteristics as defined and otherwise prohibited by state and federal law.

这一政策的目的是建立迅速, thorough and effective procedures for responding to every complaint and incident so that problems can be identified and remedied internally. 提醒一下, 投诉及调查, adjudication and sanctioning of conduct that qualifies as “Title IX Sexual 骚扰” are required by law to be handled pursuant to the processes and procedures set forth in E.8.00, 第九条性骚扰程序 本手册的.  建议个人仔细阅读本政策, 尤其是它对第九条性骚扰的定义.

然而, an employee has the right to contact the 伊利诺斯州人权部 or the Equal 就业 Opportunity Commission (EEOC) about filing a formal complaint. IDHR和EEOC的投诉必须在指称事件发生后300天内向各自的机构提交。. 除了, an appeal process is available through the 伊利诺伊州人权委员会(IHRC) after IDHR has completed its 调查 of the complaint. Where the employing entity has an effective anti-harassment policy in place and the complaining employee fails to take advant年龄 of that policy and allow the employer an opportunity to address the problem, 该雇员可, 在某些情况下, 失去进一步向雇主索赔的权利. 向IDHR或EEOC投诉的员工不会受到报复.


伊利诺伊州人权司芝加哥:312人.814.6200 or 800.662.3942芝加哥TTY: 866.740.斯普林菲尔德:217.78 5. 5100斯普林菲尔德TTY: 866. 740 .3953

马里恩:618.993 .玛丽昂TTY: 866.740.3953伊利诺伊州人权委员会(IHRC)芝加哥:312.814.6269芝加哥TTY: 312.814.斯普林菲尔德:217.785.4350

斯普林菲尔德:217.557.1500美国平等就业威尼斯人平台委员会(EEOC)芝加哥:800.669.芝加哥TTY: 800. 869 .8001


False and frivolous charges refer to cases where the accuser is using a harassment complaint to accomplish some end other than stopping harassment. 它不涉及善意提出的无法证明的指控.

[1] 这些特征包括种族, color, 宗教, 性别, 年龄, 婚姻状况, 国家的起源, 资深地位, 性取向, 性别认同, 残疾, 遗传信息或受适用的联邦保护的任何其他状态, 州和地方法律.


a. 职场性骚扰
伊利诺伊州人权法案, 以及联邦平等就业威尼斯人平台委员会发布的规定, define "sexual harassment" as any unwelcome sexual advances or requests for sexual favors or any conduct of a sexual nature when (1) submission to such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of an individual's employment; (2) submission to or rejection of such conduct by an individual is used as the basis for employment decisions affecting such individual; or (3) such conduct has the purpose or effect of substantially interfering with an individual's work performance or creating an intimidating, 充满敌意或攻击性的工作环境.
b. 与学生有关的性骚扰

伊利诺伊州人权法案 and federal regulations specifically prohibit in higher education any unwelcome sexual advances or requests for sexual favors made by a higher education representative to a student. 他们还禁止高等教育代表对学生表现出任何性行为, 当这种行为的目的是实质性地干扰学生的学习成绩或制造恐吓, 充满敌意或攻击性的教育环境.

A higher education representative may not either explicitly or implicitly make the student's submission to such conduct a term or condition of, or use the student's submission to or rejection of such conduct as a basis for determining admission to an institution of higher education, 课程, 研究领域或项目, 包括 honors and graduate programs; educational performance requirements or expectations; attendance or assignment requirements; placement or course proficiency requirements; quality of instruction; tuition or fee requirements; scholarship opportunities; membership on extracurricular teams or participation in extracurricular competitions; grades in any examination or in any course or program of instruction; progress toward successful completion of or graduation from any course or program of instruction; or what degree, 如果有任何, 学生将收到.

就本定义而言, “高等教育代表”指任何行政人员, 教职员或提供指导的任何人,包括研究生助理.
c. 骚扰

骚扰 includes unwelcomed conduct on the basis of a person’s actual or perceived protected class characteristics that has the purpose or effect of substantially interfering with an individual's work performance or creating an intimidating, 充满敌意或攻击性的工作环境.



性骚扰是未经请求的, 不恰当地将性置于学生或雇员地位之上的冒犯性行为. 当它发生在教室或工作场所, 性骚扰会威胁到一个人的学术地位和/或工作. 性骚扰有许多不同的形式. 其中一些是明显和明确的,而另一些可能更微妙和间接. 性骚扰的直接形式包括性侵犯和附有报复威胁的性挑逗. 这种行为构成严重的不当行为,一次事件就构成申诉的理由. 言语性骚扰的其他例子包括性暗示, 暗示的评论, 侮辱, 关于性或性别特征的幽默和笑话, 以及性命题, 和威胁. 非言语骚扰包括暗示或侮辱的声音, 抛媚眼, 吹口哨, 还有猥琐的手势. 性骚扰也可能通过电子手段发生,比如短信, 电子邮件和内联网/在线发布. 身体性骚扰包括触摸, 捏, 刷洗身体, 攻击, 以及强迫性接触,包括, 但不限于性交.



权利和责任意识是建立标准的基础. 因此,这一政策也在教师和学生手册中公布. 摘要将包含在教职员工和学生的入学材料中. 也, a copy of the policy will be available at the university website and at the Office of 人力资源 and the Deans of Student Offices on the main campus and Chicago-Kent College of Law. 符合适用法律, 人力资源 will develop and conduct annual sexual harassment prevention training for all employees and may make available other workshops throughout the year on this subject matter for staff persons.



在不会危及人身安全、工作地位或学术地位的情况下, a person subjected to unwelcome attention or harassment should communicate clearly to the offender that the behavior is not welcome and should cease immediately.




A complaint alleging violation of the policy prohibiting harassment may be filed by any person who has been the subject of such harassment or who has witnessed such harassment with 人力资源. 在整个诉讼过程中,应尽可能保护投诉人和被控违反本政策者的隐私. 我们将采取一切合理措施,确保没有人卷入任何投诉, 调查, 或者补救措施将因诉讼而遭受报复.

大学将征求投诉人的同意以采取行动, 但可决定有必要在未经投诉人同意的情况下进行调查并采取后续行动.



Staff members of the university community who believe they have been subjected to harassment as defined in this policy are strongly encour年龄d to seek counsel directly from 人力资源. 如果该员工首先向大学的其他员工(如教员)寻求咨询, 系主任, 迪安, 主管, 或部门主管, 该员工必须将情况通知人力资源部.

人力资源部将着手调查此事, 包括, 但不限于, 询问任何证人和被指控违反政策的人, 并确定是否可以通过非正式方式解决,或者是否会采取纪律处分. 被指控违反反骚扰政策的人将被告知调查情况,并有威尼斯人平台作出回应.

人力资源, 在与总法律顾问办公室协商后, 是否准备一份调查报告,包括任何建议的纠正措施. 该报告将由相关管理员/主管审查,并将采取适当的措施.

A staff person who is subject to disciplinary action due to a determination that he/she violated the policy against harassment may pursue a grievance of such action directly to the Vice President of 人力资源 pursuant to the 雇佣惯例,员工申诉程序 部分(第四步).

投诉可以向员工的主管提出, 部门主管, 副总统, 迪安, 人力资源部或总法律顾问办公室. 任何投诉必须立即提交人力资源部门,以便根据上述规定进行调查.


这一政策的目的是建立迅速, thorough and effective procedures for responding to every complaint and incident so that problems can be identified and remedied internally. 然而, an employee has the right to contact the 伊利诺斯州人权部 or the Equal 就业 Opportunity Commission (EEOC) about filing a formal complaint. IDHR和EEOC的投诉必须在指称事件发生后300天内向各自的机构提交。. 除了, an appeal process is available through the 伊利诺伊州人权委员会(IHRC) after IDHR has completed its 调查 of the complaint. Where the employing entity has an effective anti-harassment policy in place and the complaining employee fails to take advant年龄 of that policy and allow the employer an opportunity to address the problem, 该雇员可, 在某些情况下, 失去进一步向雇主索赔的权利. 向IDHR或EEOC投诉的员工不会受到报复.


  • 伊利诺斯州人权部
    芝加哥:312.814.6200 or 800.662.3942
    芝加哥TTY: 866.740.3953
    Marion TTY: 866.740.3953

  • 伊利诺伊州人权委员会(IHRC)
    芝加哥TTY: 312.814.4760

  • 美国平等就业威尼斯人平台委员会(EEOC)
    芝加哥TTY: 800.869.8001


False and frivolous charges refer to cases where the accuser is using a harassment complaint to accomplish some end other than stopping sexual harassment. 它不涉及善意提出的无法证明的指控. 考虑到被告的严重后果, 虚假和轻浮的指控是一种严重的罪行,本身就可能导致纪律处分.