M.S. 科技创业


Our STEM-设计ated 程序 empowers you with the 技术-based managerial and entrepreneurial skills that you need to lead innovative business ventures.

越来越多, 社会价值和财富的创造是由世故驱动的, new technologies—through both the increasing pace of technological change and the effective management of high-growth scaling.

作为芝加哥唯一一所嵌入科技大学的商学院, 斯图尔特商学院 is uniquely positioned to train students with backgrounds in STEM fields to take on key roles in startups and innovative tech companies in this fast-moving, 竞争激烈的环境中.

斯图尔特的 科技创业理学硕士 程序 provides future technological entrepreneurs with the scientific and quantitative managerial skills to successfully engage in entrepreneurial activities, 比如开发一个商业创意, 使技术商业化, 或者作为一名内部创业者,在一家科技公司内推动创新.

课程涵盖基本的创业技能和知识, 包括但不限于构思, 市场的认可, 客户发现, 原型设计, 金融建模, 可视化和数据分析, 以及社交媒体营销分析. 在整个课程中,您将在一个顶点项目中应用您的学习.

芝加哥拥有世界上最大的创新生态系统之一, and Stuart faculty collaborate closely with the city’s entrepreneurship community to help students develop their professional networks. You’ll also have support through 威尼斯人平台’s Ed Kaplan Family Institute for Innovation and Tech Entrepreneurship and student entrepreneurship organizations on campus.

通过威尼斯人平台独一无二的 提升 程序, 你可以保证获得实践经验, 比如实习, 在你的研究生教育中, 以及个性化的指导,指导您的学术研究和职业规划.


这是stem指定的项目, 该项目的国际毕业生有资格申请延期 可选实践培训, which allows selected students to stay and work in the United States for up to three years after graduation.


Combining interdisciplinary academics with a multi-semester capstone project, the STEM-设计ated M.S. 科技创业 程序 develops students’ strategic and quantitative skills in business, 设计, 分析, 以及决策, 然后提供实时应用这些技能的威尼斯人平台.


M.S. 科技创业 程序 is ideal for students with backgrounds in science, 技术, 工程, 数学, 或者其他技术领域的人希望获得必要的管理技能, 设计, 创新, and business 分析 to launch startups and take on leadership positions in businesses of all sizes where 技术 plays a central role.

M.S. 科技创业 程序 combines qualitative and quantitative rigor across academic disciplines including business, 设计, 统计数据, 分析, 管理科学. You will build 技术-based managerial and decision-making skills that are applicable across many industries and types of organizations.



  • 完成网上申请
  • Official transcript submission with a minimum cumulative undergraduate grade-point average of 3.0对4.0规模
  • 不需要GMAT或GRE成绩
  • 一页纸的目的陈述,包括目标和目的
  • 英语水平考试,如有要求

现任威尼斯人平台本科生和最近的校友 have options to reduce the number of credits required for this 程序 through the university’s 硕士速成课程. For more specific information about admission and the application process that pertains to you, 请浏览以下连结:

 威尼斯人平台新生   威尼斯人平台本科生

有问题? 与我们联系


For any questions about 斯图尔特商学院 degree 程序s or the application and enrollment process, 请与我校招生主任联系 克莱尔·约翰逊.



选定星期二上午8点至8点30分举行虚拟会议.m. CT
了解更多关于如何发展技能的信息, 经验, and connections to launch a startup or take on a position leading innovative ventures within a company. Sign up for one of these virtual information sessions to talk with Program Director 尼克Rokop.



攻读硕士学位的学生.S. 科技创业 degree who demonstrate a continuing commitment to 创新 are eligible for the Chicago Innovation Scholarship, 哪一个在2023-24学年的奖励最多 为期两年的课程学费为1.4万美元. 阅读更多关于斯图尔特奖学金威尼斯人平台和学费和费用:

斯图尔特奖学金   学费和杂费



The Ed Kaplan Family Institute for Innovation and Tech Entrepreneurship was created to help innovative and entrepreneurial 威尼斯人平台 students become the leaders, 发明家, 以及未来的企业家.


A global network of accomplished 威尼斯人平台 alumni is available to engage with and support our students.


With smaller class sizes at 斯图尔特商学院, the level of access to faculty is high.


Faculty work closely with colleagues and graduate students at Stuart to create knowledge across a wide range of topics in business and 技术.


的想法, 专业知识, 以及来自商业领域的资源, 设计, 法律, 科技为学习和创新创造了丰富的环境.


科尔曼创业基金教学教授 主任,技术创业硕士 导演,米.S. 科技创业 体育创新中心主任
环境管理与可持续发展教授 阿默尔工程学院副教授
营运管理副教授 M. 齐亚·哈桑教授 助理署长,M.S. 市场学分析 促进企业绩效中心主任
M. 克里希纳Erramilli
临时院长 战略学教授
Ghazale Jafari hadaddian
伙伴关系总监 & 战略行动 兼职教授
学术策略副教务长 临床设计教授



Students interested in developing and commercializing their own ideas into a product or service-based startup can do so in the M.S. 科技创业计划.


Students interested in bringing to market technologies based on laboratory research from universities and other research institutions will learn the commercialization process in the 程序.


对获取知识感兴趣的学生, 能力, and relationships to solve 创新 challenges within established companies and large organizations can do so.


斯图尔特大学提供两个技术创业硕士项目, both featuring the same interdisciplinary set of required courses and hands-on entrepreneurial 经验 throughout the 程序 in a capstone project.

  • M.S. 科技创业-STEM-设计ated, so international graduates of the 程序 are eligible to apply for an extension for 可选实践培训 in the United States. 提供侧重于分析和定量技能的选修课程.
  • 科技创业硕士—Offers flexibility for you to choose elective courses from across the university to fit your interests and goals.

“作为斯图尔特大学科技创业专业的学生, I was able to gain knowledge and skills that have changed my life and how to think forever. I’m proud to be an alumnus of the 程序, which I believe will disrupt higher education soon. 有了这个项目,你的未来即将开始.”

——faisal Alshehri, 2021届毕业生

“这个项目帮助我更好地了解了人们的需求. 失去出门的恐惧, 与人们和客户交谈, and discover their motivations and necessities was without a doubt the greatest skill the technological entrepreneurship 程序 at Stuart gave me.”


“The Stuart technological entrepreneurship 程序 allowed me to formulate a personalized curriculum that met my interests and passions. I took a multidisciplinary approach to my degree that no other 程序 would have allowed me to do. 工作很辛苦,但和一些很棒的人在一起很有趣.”




Stuart是AACSB认证的. 全球只有6%的商学院是这样.




-斯图尔特商学院2022年硕士和博士学位.D. 毕业生报道

