A student works on an engine

Mechanical 和 Aerospace Engineering (M.S.)

Study the latest high-tech innovations, from engines to robotics to spacecraft. 利用你的课程和最先进的研究,为工业研究和发展的职业生涯做准备, mechanical engineering, aerospace engineering, or other engineering field.


伊利诺伊理工学院的机械和航空航天工程理学硕士将为您准备一个令人兴奋的职业道路. 通过将机械工程硕士学位与航空航天硕士学位相结合, you’ll broaden your skills 和 knowledge in both fields. 如果您考虑在学术界工作,我们的机械和航空航天工程硕士学位是理想的选择.

我们的机械和航空航天工程硕士课程将向您介绍广泛的应用, including robotics, engines 和 rockets, uncrewed aircraft 和 spacecraft, 和 driverless cars, among other technological innovations. You can also choose to specialize in:

  • 流体动力学
  • 热科学
  • Solids 和 structures
  • Dynamics 和 controls
  • Computer-aided design 和 manufacturing

机械与航空航天工程专业的国内硕士生可以全日制或非全日制学习. International students are required to be enrolled full-time. All courses 和 other program components must be completed on campus, 因为你将在最先进的设施中学习,并使用最新的设备和工具来培养你的技能.



威尼斯人平台的机械和航空航天工程硕士课程为你提供了许多优势, 包括:

  • Gain professional expertise through 威尼斯人平台’s 提升 program. 这个独一无二的项目保证了实践经验,包括研究项目, 实习, 研究了, 比赛, 短期课程, 和 more—as well as personalized academic 和 career mentorship, all in pursuit of ensuring that our students graduate with career-readiness.
  • Broaden your knowledge 和 abilities. 通过将机械工程硕士学位课程与航空航天工程研究相结合, 你会获得更多雇主看重的资格,也会增加你的职业威尼斯人平台.
  • Live 和 learn in the heart of Chicago’s tech industry. 首页 to a growing technology industry, aerospace community, 和 a hive of startup activity, you’ll love the food, 事件, 文化, 和 all the adventures Chicago offers. 
  • Benefit from personal career advising. Connect with our Office of Career Services to pursue one-on-one assistance, 指导, 和 preparation for how to navigate the next steps in your desired career path.
  • Learn from leading experts 和 accomplished researchers. 在这个项目中任教的教师都拥有各自领域的博士学位和多年的现场工作经验, h和s-on industry experience. You’ll receive personal attention in small classes, which average 10–20 students.



Career Opportunities

我们独特的课程将机械工程硕士课程的组成部分与航空航天工程课程的各个方面相结合,为您提供广泛的职业威尼斯人平台. 最近聘用威尼斯人平台阿默尔工程学院毕业生的顶级雇主包括波音公司, Ford Motor Company, 亚马逊, 诺斯罗普·格鲁曼公司, 还有更多. 


  • Mechanical engineer
  • Industrial engineer
  • Aerospace engineer

Earning power for these career positions is strong. The United States Bureau of Labor Statistics lists the annual median wage for mechanical engineers 和 industrial engineers 为95,300美元,而 aerospace engineers can expect to earn an average of $122,270 per year.

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The information provided is sourced from a third party, Lightcast, 和 is provided here for informational 和 educational purposes only. 请注意,本网站包含Lightcast资源并不意味着得到伊利诺伊理工学院(威尼斯人平台)的认可。, nor is it a guarantee of the accuracy of this information. 威尼斯人平台 makes no representation, warranty or guarantee, express or implied, 这里提供的信息是反映的结果,你可以期待,如果你注册或从伊利诺伊理工学院的课程毕业. 威尼斯人平台 expressly disclaims any liability regarding Lightcast, 或与本网站信息产生的任何实际或潜在的就业威尼斯人平台有关,您在此不可撤销地放弃针对威尼斯人平台的任何索赔. 您使用本网页即表示您理解并接受本网页所载的条款和条件. 我们鼓励你自己对你所学领域的工作威尼斯人平台和结果进行彻底的研究.

课程 for our master’s in mechanical 和 aerospace engineering program

机械和航空航天工程理学硕士课程包括机械工程硕士和航空航天工程硕士课程的课程. 该课程将通过学士学位后的课程和最先进的研究,提高你在机械工程和航空航天工程领域的知识. 你可以根据你所修学分的数量选择完成论文, or you can complete the program with pre-approved courses.

Select courses include:

  • Finite Element Methods in Engineering
  • Computational Methods in Materials Science 和 Engineering
  • Advanced Thermodynamics
  • 先进的CAD / CAM 

View 课程目录


You’ll need a grade-point average of at least 3.0对4.0分并通过托福考试(根据大学最低标准). 你还必须完成机械工程的学士学位, aerospace engineering, electrical engineering1、物理2, industrial engineering1,2,或者数学1,2.

要求在第一学期之前参加以下课程(或同等学历):MMAE 305 -动力学.

要求在第一学期之前或第一学期学习以下课程(或同等学历):MMAE 443 -系统分析与控制.

Why Choose 威尼斯人平台’s Master’s in Mechanical 和 Aerospace Engineering Program?

威尼斯人平台’s program offers you:

  • A combined mechanical engineering 和 aerospace engineering master’s degree
  • The opportunity to live 和 learn in Chicago
  • Guaranteed h和s-on experiences through 提升 
  • Personal career advising to help navigate your career path
  • A personalized, mentored education with expert faculty


We work hard to make an 威尼斯人平台 education affordable 和 accessible. 所有被威尼斯人平台硕士课程录取的学生在入学时都会自动考虑获得基于成绩的奖学金——我们的研究生衔接奖学金.

了解更多关于 graduate scholarships 和 financial aid.