Information Technology and Management (B.A.C.)

芝加哥唯一一所以科技为重点的大学,信息技术与管理学士课程提供7个针对特定职业的专业和100多个课程,提供无与伦比的广度和深度. Courses are taught by experienced faculty using a hands-on, 以现实为基础的教育方法,学生将他们在课堂上学到的知识应用于解决现实生活中的问题. 信息技术和管理课程是理论内容和实践应用的融合,以项目和实验室为基础的教学为特色,学生将在其中学习然后实践. 该课程旨在拓宽和加深学生对新兴信息技术的知识, the application and integration of these technologies, 以及有效管理这些技术的行政实践.


Program Overview

信息技术与管理学士提供针对特定职业的七个专业和100多个实践, 由经验丰富的教师讲授以现实为基础的课程,具有理论内容和实际应用. 学生运用他们在课堂上学到的知识,通过以实验室为基础的教学来解决现实生活中的问题.

Career Opportunities

信息技术与管理学士学位课程的毕业生将准备进入各种角色的行业, including:

  • Data analyst
  • Digital system architect
  • Information systems manager
  • Information systems and technology manager
  • Business systems analyst
  • Voice/data system analyst
  • Software developer
  • Mobile application developer
  • Systems administrator
  • Web applications developer
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Students in this program must be admitted to Illinois Tech. 以前的技术课程或经验是有帮助的,但不是必需的.

Program Specializations

Data Management

IT Entrepreneurship and Management

Networking and Communications

Software Development

System Administration

Systems Security

Web Design and Application Development

National Center of Academic Excellence in Cyber Defense Education



Seal of National Centers of Academic Excellence

North American Defense and Security Academic Alliance (NADSAA)

北美航空航天防御司令部(NORAD)和美国北方司令部(USNORTHCOM)北美防务与安全学术联盟(NADSAA)作为一个协作的信息化企业存在,致力于加强和规范两个司令部和学术机构之间的关系. This relationship stimulates and develops new thinking, examines cross-organizational solutions, 并帮助培养未来几代国防和安全从业人员.

NAD&S logo


Program Objectives and Outcomes

Bachelor of Information Technology & Management Program Educational Objectives


  • 解决问题并创造创新的答案,为商业问题提供技术解决方案, industry, government, non-profit organizations, and individuals.
  • Perform requirements analysis, 设计和管理符合政策和最佳实践的计算机和网络系统, 并酌情监督和支持相关政策和最佳做法的持续发展.
  • 在核心信息技术中应用当前的技术和数学概念和实践,并认识到从事持续专业发展的必要性.
Bachelor of Information Technology & Management Student Outcomes


  1. 分析一个复杂的计算问题,并运用计算和其他相关学科的原理来确定解决方案
  2. Design, implement, 并评估一个基于计算机的解决方案,以满足该项目学科背景下给定的一组计算需求
  3. Communicate effectively in a variety of professional contexts
  4. 认识到专业责任,并根据法律和道德原则在计算实践中做出明智的判断
  5. 作为团队的一员或领导者,有效地从事与项目纪律相适应的活动
  6. 识别和分析用户需求,并在选择时考虑到这些需求, creation, evaluation and administration of computing-based systems
  7. Assist in the creation of an effective project plan

Featured Faculty

Associate Chair, Department of Information Technology and Management 信息技术与管理系本科指导主任 Industry Professor of Information Technology and Management Co-Terminal Adviser - Cyber Forensics and Security 网络安全和法医学教育中心临时副主任 Chair, Undergraduate Studies Committee
Jeremy Hajek
Industry Associate Professor, Information Technology and Management Graduate and Undergraduate Advisor
Maurice Dawson
Assistant Professor Director, Center for Cyber Security and Forensics Education
Adarsh Arora
Industry Professor Coleman Entrepreneur-in-Residence