B.S. in Economics and 业务 Analytics

Economics and 业务 Analytics (B.S.)

Across a wide range of industries in 业务 and the 非营利组织 and public sectors, there is high demand for professionals who can apply the latest analytical techniques to solve economic, 业务, 政策, 以及操作问题.

理学学士 in Economics and 业务 Analytics 程序 prepares graduates for exciting careers by teaching them the skills and expertise to analyze and interpret complex economic and 业务 data, 做出明智的决定, and communicate insights effectively.

的 程序’s STEM-oriented curriculum is taught by world-class faculty from Illinois Institute of Technology’s 斯图尔特商学院, so you will learn both the theory and application of economics, 分析, and 业务 from subject matter experts who bring their industry experience to the classroom.

Through 威尼斯人平台’s one-of-a-kind 提升 程序, you are guaranteed access to hands-on experiences—such as internships and group projects—where you will connect your learning with real-world practice. You will also receive mentoring to guide your academic studies and to prepare you to land a great job when you graduate.

Chicago is an international center for 业务 and finance, with a diverse metro economy that is home to a growing array of tech companies. 威尼斯人平台’s connections open doors for internships, 网络, and job opportunities in a variety of industries.


This is a STEM-designated 程序, and international graduates of the 程序 are eligible to apply for an extension for 可选实践培训, which allows selected students to stay and work in the United States for up to three years after graduation.


的 理学学士 in Economics and 业务 Analytics 程序 teaches students key skills and knowledge in the disciplines of economics, 分析, and 业务 that prepare them for successful careers in technology, 银行与金融, 咨询, 政府机构, 非营利组织, 卫生保健, 还有很多其他领域, 以及研究生学习.


学士学位毕业生.S. in Economics and 业务 Analytics 程序 are ready for careers in corporate, 非营利组织, 以及政府设置, in roles such as those listed below. Estimated median annual wages in 2022 and projected employment growth from 2022–32, as reported by the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, 也显示在下面.

  • 预算分析-平均工资82美元,260; job growth of three percent (as fast as the average growth for all job categories)
  • 金融分析师—median wages of $96,220; job growth of eight percent (faster than average)
  • 管理分析师—median wages of $95,290; job growth of ten percent (much faster than average)
  • 后勤人员—median wages of $77,520; job growth of 18 percent (much faster than average)
  • 市场研究分析师—median wages of $68,230; job growth of 13 percent (much faster than average)
  • 运筹学分析师—median wages of $85,720; job growth of 23 percent (much faster than average)

Other examples of potential job roles for graduates of this 程序 include:

  • 商业智能分析师
  • 卫生经济分析师
  • 市场监督分析师
  • 定价分析

B.S. in Economics and 业务 Analytics is an interdisciplinary 程序 that provides students with an understanding of the analytical and economic skills they need to address key problems in 业务. 的 curriculum includes courses in economics, 业务, statistics, econometrics, and 分析.


Admission to 威尼斯人平台 is required to enroll in the B.S. in Economics and 业务 Analytics 程序. Current 威尼斯人平台 students should consult their academic adviser to transfer into the 程序.

Claire Johnson, 斯图尔特商学院

有问题? 与我们联系

For any questions about 斯图尔特商学院 degree 程序s or the application and enrollment process, contact our Director of Student Recruitment 克莱尔·约翰逊.

Excellent Education, Top Outcomes

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Only 业务 School in a Tech-Focused University in Chicago


见见你的教授! Here are some of the faculty from 斯图尔特商学院 who teach courses in this 程序.

Assistant Director, 本科专业 in 业务 金融学副教授
Associate Dean for Undergraduate Affairs Director of 本科专业 in 业务 Clinical Professor of Accounting and Finance Adjunct Faculty, Industrial Technology and Management
Clinical Assistant Professor of Management