Business Administration (B.S.)/Computer Information Systems (B.S.)

STEM + Business = Opportunity. 获得计算机和商业方面的技能和专业知识,为你的职业生涯打开大门.

开发软件和信息系统,帮助公司达到目标, you need first-rate technical knowledge and skills. To advance professionally, 理解业务如何工作的更大上下文——基本的业务概念和术语——也很重要, how managers measure results and make decisions, 以及公司如何在市场中保持竞争力和盈利.

在这个双学位课程的计算机和商业的综合课程, 学生发展复杂的计算和分析技能以及扎实的商业背景. 这种强大的组合为您提供了应用和管理前沿数字技术的知识和工具,并在从初创公司到跨国公司的公司中推动您的职业发展.

The Bachelor of Science in Computer Information Systems 程序强调使用计算解决跨学科的复杂问题. 课程旨在建立计算机科学的坚实基础,并包括培养分析和软件开发技能的实验室, 准备你在课堂上和工作中独立工作.

The Bachelor of Science in Business Administration 该计划为企业的核心竞争力提供了基础, such as accounting, economics, finance, marketing, management, business operations, and leadership. Courses are taught with an applied, 在当今竞争激烈的全球经济中,建立您对管理跨学科性质的理解的实用方法.

Through Illinois Tech’s one-of-a-kind Elevate program, you’re guaranteed access to hands-on experiences, such as internships, 将课堂学习与现实世界的实践联系起来, 再加上指导,指导你的学术研究,开始你的职业生涯.

As a growing hub of tech businesses and startups, 也是美国经济最多样化的城市之一, Chicago offers abundant opportunities for internships, networking, and jobs in all industry sectors.

STEM-Designated Program

This is a STEM-designated program, 该项目的国际毕业生有资格申请选修实践培训的延期, 允许被选中的学生留在美国工作.S. for up to three years after graduation.

Program Overview

在一个具有挑战性的项目中同时获得两个学士学位,为你在商业环境中应用你的高级计算机科学技能做好准备——解决复杂的问题, improving operations, 有效地部署和管理数字技术.

Career Opportunities

More and more, 公司正在寻找有很强的技术能力的专业人士, are analytical and business-minded, and have the strategic outlook of a marketer. With these joint degrees, 毕业生可以在职业生涯中担任管理商业技术的各种角色, such as:

  • 软件产品经理、软件开发人员或移动应用程序开发人员
  • Supply chain manager, logistics and operations manager, IT business analyst, or information technologist
  • 营销策略师、商业智能分析师、数据分析经理或财务分析师
  • 业务系统分析师或经理、运筹学经理或信息系统经理
  • 信息技术等行业的顾问或企业家, healthcare, insurance, manufacturing, and many others
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这是一个综合性的双学位课程,可获得工商管理学士学位和计算机信息系统学士学位. 该计划保持每个学位课程的完整性和内容,同时也为毕业生提供互补的知识和技能,以支持公司和组织管理的职业发展.

Download the program curriculum and course plan:

入学条件与B级入学条件相同.S. in Business Administration and B.S. in Computer Information Systems programs. 有兴趣转学本课程的学生应咨询其学术顾问.

Featured Faculty

Learn more about faculty who teach courses in the B.S. in Computer Information Systems and B.S. in Business Administration programs.

Kai Shu
Adjunct Faculty, Computer Science
John Twombly
Associate Dean for Undergraduate Affairs Director of Undergraduate Programs in Business Clinical Professor of Accounting and Finance Adjunct Faculty, Industrial Technology and Management
Nik Sultana
Assistant Professor of Computer Science
Ghazale Jafari Haddadian
Stefan Muller
Gladwin Development Chair Assistant Professor of Computer Science
Priyanka Sharma
Associate Professor of Economics
Binghui Wang
Assistant Professor of Computer Science
Charles Hamilton
Clinical Associate Professor of Accounting
Gady Agam
Associate Professor of Computer Science
Nik Rokop
科尔曼创业基金教学教授 Director, Master of Technological Entrepreneurship Director, M.S. in Technological Entrepreneurship Director, Center for Sports Innovation

Globally-Recognized Accreditation